Source code for numdifftools.finite_difference

Finite difference methods module.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg
from scipy import special
from numdifftools.extrapolation import convolve
from numdifftools.multicomplex import Bicomplex

_SQRT_J = (1j + 1.0) / np.sqrt(2.0)  # = 1j**0.5

# step_ratio, parity, nterms
# (2.0, 1, 1): array([[1.]]),
# (2.0, 1, 2): array([[-0.333333333333333333333, 2.666666666666666666666666666],
#                     [8., -16.]]),
# (2.0, 1, 3): array([[2.22222222222222222e-02, -8.8888888888889e-01, 5.6888888888888889e+00],
#                     [-2.666666666666667e+00, 9.0666666666666667e+01, -1.7066666666666667e+02],
#                     [1.7066666666666667e+02, -1.7066666666666667e+03, 2.7306666666666667e+03]]),
# (2.0, 0, 2): array([[-1., 4.],
#                     [4., -8.]]),
# (2.0, 0, 4): array([[-4.76190476e-02, 1.33333333e+00, -1.06666667e+01, 2.43809524e+01],
#                     [1.33333333e+00, -3.46666667e+01, 2.34666667e+02, -3.41333333e+02],
#                     [-1.60000000e+01, 3.52000000e+02, -1.66400000e+03, 2.04800000e+03],
#                     [7.31428571e+01, -1.02400000e+03, 4.09600000e+03, -4.68114286e+03]])}

# @PydevIgnore

def _assert(cond, msg):
    if not cond:
        raise ValueError(msg)

[docs]def make_exact(h): """Make sure h is an exact representable number This is important when calculating numerical derivatives and is accomplished by adding 1.0 and then subtracting 1.0. """ return (h + 1.0) - 1.0
[docs]class DifferenceFunctions(object): """ Class defining difference functions Notes ----- The d """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument @staticmethod def _central_even(f, f_x0i, x0i, h): return (f(x0i + h) + f(x0i - h)) / 2.0 - f_x0i @staticmethod def _central(f, f_x0i, x0i, h): # @UnusedVariable return (f(x0i + h) - f(x0i - h)) / 2.0 @staticmethod def _forward(f, f_x0i, x0i, h): return f(x0i + h) - f_x0i @staticmethod def _backward(f, f_x0i, x0i, h): return f_x0i - f(x0i - h) @staticmethod def _complex(f, f_x, x, h): # @UnusedVariable return f(x + 1j * h).imag @staticmethod def _complex_odd(f, f_x, x, h): i_h = h * _SQRT_J return ((_SQRT_J / 2.) * (f(x + i_h) - f(x - i_h))).imag @staticmethod def _complex_odd_higher(f, f_x, x, h): i_h = h * _SQRT_J return ((3 * _SQRT_J) * (f(x + i_h) - f(x - i_h))).real @staticmethod def _complex_even(f, f_x, x, h): i_h = h * _SQRT_J return (f(x + i_h) + f(x - i_h)).imag @staticmethod def _complex_even_higher(f, f_x, x, h): i_h = h * _SQRT_J return 12.0 * (f(x + i_h) + f(x - i_h) - 2 * f_x).real @staticmethod def _multicomplex(f, f_x, x, h): z = Bicomplex(x + 1j * h, 0) return Bicomplex.__array_wrap__(f(z)).imag @staticmethod def _multicomplex2(f, f_x, x, h): z = Bicomplex(x + 1j * h, h) return Bicomplex.__array_wrap__(f(z)).imag12
[docs]class JacobianDifferenceFunctions(object): """Class defining Jacobian difference functions""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] @staticmethod def increments(n, h): """Returns Jacobian steps""" e_i = np.zeros(np.shape(h), float) for k in range(n): e_i[k] = h[k] yield e_i e_i[k] = 0
@staticmethod def _central(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([(f(x + hi) - f(x - hi)) / 2.0 for hi in steps]) @staticmethod def _central_even(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([(f(x + hi) + f(x - hi)) / 2.0 - f_x for hi in steps]) @staticmethod def _backward(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([f_x - f(x - hi) for hi in steps]) @staticmethod def _forward(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([f(x + hi) - f_x for hi in steps]) @staticmethod def _complex(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([f(x + 1j * ih).imag for ih in steps]) @staticmethod def _complex_even(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) j_1 = _SQRT_J steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([(f(x + j_1*ih) + f(x - j_1*ih)).imag for ih in steps]) @staticmethod def _complex_odd(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) j_1 = _SQRT_J steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) return np.array([((j_1 / 2.) * (f(x + j_1 * ih) - f(x - j_1 * ih))).imag for ih in steps]) @staticmethod def _multicomplex(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) steps = JacobianDifferenceFunctions.increments(n, h) cmplx_wrap = Bicomplex.__array_wrap__ partials = [cmplx_wrap(f(Bicomplex(x + 1j * hi, 0))).imag for hi in steps] return np.array(partials)
[docs]class HessdiagDifferenceFunctions(object): """Class defining Hessdiag difference functions References ---------- Ridout, M.S. (2009) Statistical applications of the complex-step method of numerical differentiation. The American Statistician, 63, 66-74 """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument @staticmethod def _central2(f, f_x, x, h): """Eq. 8 in Ridout (2009).""" n = len(x) increments = np.identity(n) * h partials = [(f(x + 2 * hi) + f(x - 2 * hi) + 2 * f_x - 2 * f(x + hi) - 2 * f(x - hi)) / 4.0 for hi in increments] return np.array(partials) @staticmethod def _central_even(f, f_x, x, h): """Eq. 9 in Ridout (2009).""" n = len(x) increments = np.identity(n) * h partials = [(f(x + hi) + f(x - hi)) / 2.0 - f_x for hi in increments] return np.array(partials) @staticmethod def _backward(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) increments = np.identity(n) * h partials = [f_x - f(x - hi) for hi in increments] return np.array(partials) @staticmethod def _forward(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) increments = np.identity(n) * h partials = [f(x + hi) - f_x for hi in increments] return np.array(partials) @staticmethod def _multicomplex2(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) increments = np.identity(n) * h cmplx_wrap = Bicomplex.__array_wrap__ partials = [cmplx_wrap(f(Bicomplex(x + 1j * hi, hi))).imag12 for hi in increments] return np.array(partials) @staticmethod def _complex_even(f, f_x, x, h): n = len(x) increments = np.identity(n) * h * (1j + 1) / np.sqrt(2) partials = [(f(x + hi) + f(x - hi)).imag for hi in increments] return np.array(partials)
[docs]class HessianDifferenceFunctions(object): """Class defining Hessian difference functions References ---------- Ridout, M.S. (2009) "Statistical applications of the complex-step method of numerical differentiation", The American Statistician, 63, 66-74 """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument @staticmethod def _complex_even(f, f_x, x, h): """ Calculate Hessian with complex-step derivative approximation The stepsize is the same for the complex and the finite difference part Eq 10 in Ridout (2009). """ n = len(x) eee = np.diag(h) hess = 2. * np.outer(h, h) for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): hess[i, j] = (f(x + 1j * eee[i] + eee[j]) - f(x + 1j * eee[i] - eee[j])).imag / hess[j, i] hess[j, i] = hess[i, j] return hess @staticmethod def _multicomplex2(f, f_x, x, h): """Calculate Hessian with Bicomplex-step derivative approximation""" n = len(x) eee = np.diag(h) hess = np.outer(h, h) cmplx_wrap = Bicomplex.__array_wrap__ for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): zph = Bicomplex(x + 1j * eee[i, :], eee[j, :]) hess[i, j] = cmplx_wrap(f(zph)).imag12 / hess[j, i] hess[j, i] = hess[i, j] return hess @staticmethod def _central_even(f, f_x, x, h): """Eq 9 in Ridout (2009).""" n = len(x) eee = np.diag(h) dtype = np.result_type(f_x, float) # make sure it is at least float64 hess = np.empty((n, n), dtype=dtype) np.outer(h, h, out=hess) for i in range(n): e_i = eee[i, :] hess[i, i] = (f(x + 2 * e_i) - 2 * f_x + f(x - 2 * e_i)) / (4. * hess[i, i]) for j in range(i + 1, n): e_j = eee[j, :] hess[i, j] = (f(x + e_i + e_j) - f(x + e_i - e_j) - f(x - e_i + e_j) + f(x - e_i - e_j)) / (4. * hess[j, i]) hess[j, i] = hess[i, j] return hess @staticmethod def _central2(f, f_x, x, h): """Eq. 8 in Ridout (2009)""" n = len(x) eee = np.diag(h) dtype = np.result_type(f_x, float) f_xpe = np.empty(n, dtype=dtype) f_xme = np.empty(n, dtype=dtype) for i in range(n): f_xpe[i] = f(x + eee[i]) f_xme[i] = f(x - eee[i]) hess = np.empty((n, n), dtype=dtype) np.outer(h, h, out=hess) for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): hess[i, j] = (f(x + eee[i, :] + eee[j, :]) + f(x - eee[i, :] - eee[j, :]) - f_xpe[i] - f_xpe[j] + f_x - f_xme[i] - f_xme[j] + f_x) / (2 * hess[j, i]) hess[j, i] = hess[i, j] return hess @staticmethod def _forward(f, f_x, x, h): """Eq. 7 in Ridout (2009)""" n = len(x) eee = np.diag(h) dtype = np.result_type(f_x, float) g = np.empty(n, dtype=dtype) for i in range(n): g[i] = f(x + eee[i, :]) hess = np.empty((n, n), dtype=dtype) np.outer(h, h, out=hess) for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): hess[i, j] = (f(x + eee[i, :] + eee[j, :]) - g[i] - g[j] + f_x) / hess[j, i] hess[j, i] = hess[i, j] return hess @staticmethod def _backward(f, f_x, x, h): return HessianDifferenceFunctions._forward(f, f_x, x, -h)
[docs]class LogRule(object): """Log spaced finite difference rule class Parameters ---------- n : int, optional Order of the derivative. method : {'central', 'complex', 'multicomplex', 'forward', 'backward'} defines the method used in the approximation order : int, optional defines the order of the error term in the Taylor approximation used. For 'central' and 'complex' methods, it must be an even number. Examples -------- >>> from numdifftools.finite_difference import LogRule >>> np.allclose(LogRule(n=1, method='central', order=2).rule(step_ratio=2.0), 1) True >>> np.allclose(LogRule(n=1, method='central', order=4).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [-0.33333333, 2.66666667]) True >>> np.allclose(LogRule(n=1, method='central', order=6).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ 0.02222222, -0.88888889, 5.68888889]) True >>> np.allclose(LogRule(n=1, method='forward', order=2).rule(step_ratio=2.), [-1., 4.]) True >>> np.allclose(LogRule(n=1, method='forward', order=4).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ -0.04761905, 1.33333333, -10.66666667, 24.38095238]) True >>> np.allclose(LogRule(n=1, method='forward', order=6).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ -1.02406554e-04, 1.26984127e-02, -5.07936508e-01, ... 8.12698413e+00, -5.20126984e+01, 1.07381055e+02]) True >>> step_ratio=2.0 >>> fd_rule = LogRule(n=2, method='forward', order=4) >>> h = 0.002*(1./step_ratio)**np.arange(6) >>> x0 = 1. >>> f = np.exp >>> f_x0 = f(x0) >>> f_del = f(x0+h) - f_x0 # forward difference >>> f_del = fd_rule.diff(f, f_x0, x0, h) # or alternatively >>> fder, h, shape = fd_rule.apply(f_del, h, step_ratio) >>> np.allclose(fder, f(x0)) True """ _difference_functions = DifferenceFunctions() def __init__(self, n=1, method='central', order=2): self.n = n self.method = method self.order = order # --- properties --- @property def _odd_derivative(self): return self.n % 2 == 1 @property def _even_derivative(self): return self.n % 2 == 0 @property def _derivative_mod_four_is_three(self): return self.n % 4 == 3 @property def _derivative_mod_four_is_zero(self): return self.n % 4 == 0 @property def eval_first_condition(self): """True if f(x0) needs to be evaluated given the differentiation method.""" even_derivative = self._even_derivative return ((even_derivative and self.method in ('central', 'central2')) or self.method in ['forward', 'backward'] or self.method == 'complex' and self._derivative_mod_four_is_zero) @property def _complex_high_order(self): return self.method == 'complex' and (self.n > 1 or self.order >= 4) @property def richardson_step(self): """The step between exponents in the error polynomial of the Richardson extrapolation.""" complex_step = 4 if self._complex_high_order else 2 return dict(central=2, central2=2, complex=complex_step, multicomplex=2).get(self.method, 1) @property def method_order(self): """The leading order of the truncation error of the Richardson extrapolation.""" step = self.richardson_step # Make sure it is even and at least 2 or 4 order = max((self.order // step) * step, step) return order def _parity_complex(self, order, method_order): if self.n == 1 and method_order < 4: return (order % 2) + 1 return (3 + 2 * int(self._odd_derivative) + int(self._derivative_mod_four_is_three) + int(self._derivative_mod_four_is_zero)) def _parity(self, method, order, method_order): if method.startswith('central'): return (order % 2) + 1 if method == 'complex': return self._parity_complex(order, method_order) return 0 @staticmethod def _fd_matrix(step_ratio, parity, nterms): """ Return matrix for finite difference and complex step derivation. Parameters ---------- step_ratio : real scalar ratio between steps in unequally spaced difference rule. parity : scalar, integer 0 (one sided, all terms included but zeroth order) 1 (only odd terms included) 2 (only even terms included) 3 (only every 4'th order terms included starting from order 2) 4 (only every 4'th order terms included starting from order 4) 5 (only every 4'th order terms included starting from order 1) 6 (only every 4'th order terms included starting from order 3) nterms : scalar, integer number of terms """ _assert(0 <= parity <= 6, 'Parity must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6! ({0:d})'.format(parity)) step = [1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4][parity] inv_sr = 1.0 / step_ratio offset = [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3][parity] c_0 = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 24.0, 1.0, 6.0][parity] c = c_0 / special.factorial(np.arange(offset, step * nterms + offset, step)) [i, j] = np.ogrid[0:nterms, 0:nterms] return np.atleast_2d(c[j] * inv_sr ** (i * (step * j + offset))) @property def _flip_fd_rule(self): return ((self._even_derivative and (self.method == 'backward')) or (self.method == 'complex' and (self.n % 8 in [3, 4, 5, 6]))) @property def _multicomplex_middle_name(self): if self.method == 'multicomplex' and self.n > 1: _assert(self.n <= 2, 'Multicomplex method only support first ' 'and second order derivatives.') return '2' return '' def _get_middle_name(self): if self._even_derivative and self.method in ('central', 'complex'): return '_even' if self._complex_high_order and self._odd_derivative: return '_odd' return self._multicomplex_middle_name def _get_last_name(self): last = '' if (self.method == 'complex' and self._derivative_mod_four_is_zero or self._complex_high_order and self._derivative_mod_four_is_three): last = '_higher' return last @property def diff(self): "The difference function" first = '_{0!s}'.format(self.method) middle = self._get_middle_name() last = self._get_last_name() name = first + middle + last return getattr(self._difference_functions, name)
[docs] def rule(self, step_ratio=2.0): """ Return finite differencing rule. Parameters ---------- step_ratio : real scalar, optional, default 2.0 Ratio between sequential steps generated. Notes ----- The rule is for a nominal unit step size, and must be scaled later to reflect the local step size. Member method used: _fd_matrix Member variables used: n order method """ method = self.method if method in ('multicomplex',) or self.n == 0: return np.ones((1,)) step_ratio = make_exact(step_ratio) order, method_order = self.n - 1, self.method_order parity = self._parity(method, order, method_order) step = self.richardson_step num_terms = (order + method_order) // step fd_rules = FD_RULES.get((step_ratio, parity, num_terms)) if fd_rules is None: fd_mat = self._fd_matrix(step_ratio, parity, num_terms) fd_rules = linalg.pinv(fd_mat) FD_RULES[(step_ratio, parity, num_terms)] = fd_rules rule_index = order // step if self._flip_fd_rule: return -fd_rules[rule_index] return fd_rules[rule_index]
@staticmethod def _vstack(sequence, steps): original_shape = np.shape(sequence[0]) f_del = np.vstack([np.ravel(r) for r in sequence]) one = np.ones(original_shape) h = np.vstack([np.ravel(one * step) for step in steps]) _assert(f_del.size == h.size, 'fun did not return data of correct ' 'size (it must be vectorized)') return f_del, h, original_shape
[docs] def apply(self, sequence, steps, step_ratio=2.0): """ Apply finite difference rule along the first axis. Return derivative estimates of fun at x0 for a sequence of stepsizes h Parameters ---------- sequence: finite differences steps: steps """ f_del, h, original_shape = self._vstack(sequence, steps) der_init, h = self._apply(f_del, h, step_ratio) return der_init, h, original_shape
def _apply(self, f_del, h, step_ratio=2.0): """ Apply finite difference rule along the first axis. Return derivative estimates of fun at x0 for a sequence of stepsizes h Parameters ---------- f_del: finite differences h: steps """ fd_rule = self.rule(step_ratio) num_steps = h.shape[0] n_r = fd_rule.size - 1 _assert(n_r < num_steps, 'num_steps ({0:d}) must be larger than ' '({1:d}) n + order - 1 = {2:d} + {3:d} -1' ' ({4:s})'.format(num_steps, n_r + 1, self.n, self.order, self.method)) f_diff = convolve(f_del, fd_rule[::-1], axis=0, origin=n_r // 2) der_init = f_diff / (h ** self.n) num_steps = max(num_steps - n_r, 1) return der_init[:num_steps], h[:num_steps]
[docs]class LogJacobianRule(LogRule): """Log spaced finite difference Jacobian rule class Parameters ---------- n : 1 Order of the derivative. method : {'central', 'complex', 'multicomplex', 'forward', 'backward'} defines the method used in the approximation order : int, optional defines the order of the error term in the Taylor approximation used. For 'central' and 'complex' methods, it must be an even number. Examples -------- >>> from numdifftools.finite_difference import LogJacobianRule as Rule >>> np.allclose(Rule(n=1, method='central', order=2).rule(step_ratio=2.0), 1) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(n=1, method='central', order=4).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [-0.33333333, 2.66666667]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(n=1, method='central', order=6).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ 0.02222222, -0.88888889, 5.68888889]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(n=1, method='forward', order=2).rule(step_ratio=2.), [-1., 4.]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(n=1, method='forward', order=4).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ -0.04761905, 1.33333333, -10.66666667, 24.38095238]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(n=1, method='forward', order=6).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ -1.02406554e-04, 1.26984127e-02, -5.07936508e-01, ... 8.12698413e+00, -5.20126984e+01, 1.07381055e+02]) True >>> step_ratio=2.0 >>> fd_rule = Rule(n=1, method='forward', order=4) >>> steps = 0.002*(1./step_ratio)**np.arange(6) >>> x0 = np.atleast_1d(1.) >>> f = np.exp >>> f_x0 = f(x0) >>> f_del = [f(x0+h) - f_x0 for h in steps] # forward difference >>> f_del = [fd_rule.diff(f, f_x0, x0, h) for h in steps[:, None]] # or alternatively >>> fder, h, shape = fd_rule.apply(f_del, steps, step_ratio) >>> np.allclose(fder, f(x0)) True """ _difference_functions = JacobianDifferenceFunctions() # n = property(fget=lambda cls: 1, fset=lambda cls, n: None) @staticmethod def _atleast_2d(original_shape, ndim): if ndim == 1: original_shape = (1,) + tuple(original_shape) return tuple(original_shape) def _vstack(self, sequence, steps): original_shape = list(np.shape(np.atleast_1d(sequence[0]))) ndim = len(original_shape) if sum(original_shape) == ndim: f_del = np.vstack(sequence) h = np.vstack(steps) else: axes = [0, 1, 2][:ndim] axes[:2] = axes[1::-1] original_shape[:2] = original_shape[1::-1] f_del = np.vstack([np.atleast_1d(r).transpose(axes).ravel() for r in sequence]) h = np.vstack([np.atleast_1d(r).transpose(axes).ravel() for r in steps]) _assert(f_del.size == h.size, 'fun did not return data of correct ' 'size (it must be vectorized)') return f_del, h, self._atleast_2d(original_shape, ndim)
[docs]class LogHessdiagRule(LogRule): """Log spaced finite difference Hessdiag rule class Parameters ---------- n : 2 Order of the derivative. method : {'central', 'complex', 'multicomplex', 'forward', 'backward'} defines the method used in the approximation order : int, optional defines the order of the error term in the Taylor approximation used. For 'central' and 'complex' methods, it must be an even number. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from numdifftools.finite_difference import LogHessdiagRule as Rule >>> np.allclose(Rule(method='central', order=2).rule(step_ratio=2.0), 2) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(method='central', order=4).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [-0.66666667, 10.66666667]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(method='central', order=6).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [ 4.44444444e-02, -3.55555556e+00, 4.55111111e+01]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(method='forward', order=2).rule(step_ratio=2.), [ -4., 40., -64.]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(method='forward', order=4).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [-1.90476190e-01, 1.10476190e+01, -1.92000000e+02, ... 1.12152381e+03, -1.56038095e+03]) True >>> np.allclose(Rule(method='forward', order=6).rule(step_ratio=2.), ... [-4.09626216e-04, 1.02406554e-01, -8.33015873e+00, 2.76317460e+02, ... -3.84893968e+03, 2.04024004e+04, -2.74895500e+04]) True >>> step_ratio=2.0 >>> fd_rule = Rule(method='forward', order=4) >>> steps = 0.002*(1./step_ratio)**np.arange(6) >>> x0 = np.array([0., 0.]) >>> f = lambda xy : np.cos(xy[0]-xy[1]) >>> f_x0 = f(x0) >>> f_del = [f(x0+h) - f_x0 for h in steps] # forward difference >>> f_del = [fd_rule.diff(f, f_x0, x0, h) for h in steps] # or alternatively >>> fder, h, shape = fd_rule.apply(f_del, steps, step_ratio) >>> np.allclose(fder, [[-1., -1.], [-1., -1.]]) True """ _difference_functions = HessdiagDifferenceFunctions() n = property(fget=lambda cls: 2, fset=lambda cls, n: None)
[docs]class LogHessianRule(LogRule): """Log spaced finite difference Hessian rule class Parameters ---------- n : 2 Order of the derivative. method : {'central', 'complex', 'multicomplex', 'forward', 'backward'} defines the method used in the approximation order : int, optional defines the order of the error term in the Taylor approximation used. For 'central' and 'complex' methods, it must be an even number. """ _difference_functions = HessianDifferenceFunctions() n = property(fget=lambda cls: 2, fset=lambda cls, unused_n: None) @property def order(self): """The order of the error term in the Taylor approximation used""" return dict(backward=1, forward=1).get(self.method, 2) @order.setter def order(self, order): valid_order = self.order if order is not None and order != valid_order: msg = 'Can not change order to {}! The only valid order is {} for method={}.' warnings.warn(msg.format(order, valid_order, self.method)) @property def _complex_high_order(self): return False
[docs] def apply(self, sequence, steps, step_ratio=2.0): """ Apply finite difference rule along the first axis. Return derivative estimates of fun at x0 for a sequence of stepsizes h Parameters ---------- sequence: finite differences steps: steps """ f_del, h, original_shape = self._vstack(sequence, steps) return f_del, h, original_shape
if __name__ == '__main__': from numdifftools.testing import test_docstrings test_docstrings()